If you want a super-sexy messy good time, then this is definitely the video for you. There's a superb variety of mess, and Kaydens knows exactly what to do with all of it. Amazingly, the mess stays distinct even through all the play. You can still see traces of every sweet sloppy treat she's rubbed on herself even at the end when she's transformed into a gooey sex goddess. My personal recommendation is that you try to pace yourself so that you hit your peak just after the 13-minute mark. Trust me. Unless you want to cum right at the dildo insertion, in which case you'll want to aim for 11:45. If you're a fan of anal, the butt plug goes in right around the 10-minute mark. Anyway, that's enough from me. Get this video, then come thank me for the recommendation once you've had a chance to wash your hands.
WritesNaughtyReviews 1/13/20